Feasting Friday (MF Game Edition)

I've been interested in win/win/win games recently.

My 3rd Mentally Fit class opened for enrollment this week, and I've been noodling what would be a creative way to promote it.

Here is what I've cooked up.

Introducing The MF Game

I've spent the last week compiling the core books that make up the skeleton of my class.

For each book I've added four notes:

  1. The Take-Away
  2. Homework
  3. Graduating Standard
  4. Hint

Then, I created the game:

Anyone who commits to read all of these books by Halloween, 2025, will get a full scholarship to my last MF class (I'm only teaching MF 6 times).

*The scholarship will be for the online version of my class (which costs $1500), and I reserve the choice to select any of the winners for a full scholarship (which is $4k).

The key to winning are:

  1. you gotta read all the books by Halloween, 2025
  2. you gotta publish something you learned each day you read
  3. you gotta publish something 80% of the days it takes you to complete the book list

Publishing can be tweets, IG stories, substacks, blog posts, etc. The criteria is that there is an external verifiable url you can send me, that I can look at to prove you completed the game.

Thats it.

So, why is this a win/win/win game?

conjecture: reading can heal modern damaged attentional systems by rewiring the compulsion to task switch.

translation: you will win if you play (because you'll be practicing focus)

If you apply the dharma sprint form to this game, you're going to improve your attentional system.

If you’re able to apply the knowledge from this list, this list will change your life.

*unless you’ve already found and committed to your dharma, in which case, this at best will add to some beautiful and useful material for your great work.

How to play:

  1. click this link and jump through the portal
  2. share your shimmer scent with the honey bee (share your email)
  3. Check your email shimmer basket for the invitation to the game.
  4. open it and start reading


  1. tell the truth
  2. once you start, share something you learned everyday until completion
  3. if you share more than 80% of the days it takes to complete, you win

What you win:

  1. an improved attentional system (potentially)
  2. a significantly upgraded mind (likely)
  3. a full scholarship to my last Mentally Fit class (online version)

Note: This applies to MF alumni too

(many of them want to take the class again, they’re gunna be excited to learn this)

Potential Trigger Warning

If you play, you’ll likely feel the desire to enroll in my class. The online only option is $1500 and the online + summit is 4k. Feeling that desire and feeling like you can’t afford it might trigger a part of you. Depending on your personal style, you might plead, get pissed, or shutdown. If I don’t respond the way your triggered part wants, you might not trust me anymore. But you likely aren’t triggered yet, so it’s worth saying; trust me. I put my full intention creating this game so that anyone who plays to completion will win. This game is for people who can’t afford my class but want to download a piece of my mind (this game is also for the unique kind of savage that wants to try to do this simply for the love of the game).

Further details await beyond the portal.

PS. Every word here and within were typed by my hands. No AI, no consultants, no prompts, no agency.

PPS. For those who want to work with me, my Mentally Fit class is the distillation of my life's work. The first two classes have sold out and everyone who has taken it has raved about it. No bullshit, no exaggeration, it's changing their lives. If you've ever wanted to work with me, this is the container. Read the info here. Join if you're called. It's been live for 4 days and 16 of the 60 spots are taken.

I'm looking forward to meeting those who join.


  1. check out the MF Game here
  2. check out the MF class here

Song I'm Listening on Repeat

Been on some grime lately:

Paris: Brondo

Limbo - Freddie Dredd

Erick Godsey

Every week, I bring the best of what I've gathered. Enjoy the feast.

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