Feasting Friday

I've really fallen in love with notion recently, so this week's newsletter is here (with pictures and videos).

Song I'm Listening on Repeat:

Unapologetically, I can't stop playing Big Dawgs

Art I've Enjoyed:

Alex Hormozi x Christopher Williamson

As someone with psychological training and who geeked out on Behaviorism, I think Hormozi is in the top .01% of people alive who understand the profound wisdom in the psychological paradigm that dominated psychology for half a century.

What he calls 'operationalize it' is a cognitive superpower (with some blindspots so be careful lol)

Book I'm Reading:

Recommended to me by a subscriber (thank you!), I started reading Boudica: Book 1.

And oh my god. This is going to be a very important book to me.

If you're looking for a good fiction read and want to learn about the indigenous wisdom of what is now know as the Celtics and Irish, this is the book.

Post yall enjoyed:

Perfect doesn't evolve.
Mistakes do.

Weekly Journal Prompt:

What is the skill life is calling me to learn that I have not accepted?


What would need to happen for this call to adventure to be the best possible thing that has ever happened to me?

Erick Godsey

Every week, I bring the best of what I've gathered. Enjoy the feast.

Read more from Erick Godsey

We learn through games. Janet Piaget discovered that children 4-5 could learn the rules of a game and start playing. His historic discovery was that these children could learn the rules of game (demonstrated by their behavior), but when he asked the kids to explain the rules they didn't know. Consciously they didn't know the rules. Unconsciously, they did. Piaget's experiments demonstrate that our unconscious is able to learn patterns before our conscious mind does. All the games we play are...

Idk how this happened but we’re gunna talk about prophets and prophecy. To set the stage, lets check in with the Jungians. Erich Neumann, jungian psychoanalyst and someone Jung openly admitted explained the unconscious more clearly than Jung himself ever did, describes three levels of development humans grow through. Neumann called these stages: The Mother Stage The Father Stage The Individuation Stage Because of reasons I’ll share another time, I’ll be calling them: Lv. 1: The Realm of the...

I've changed my mind (Caitlyn gets the credit). I, Erick Godsey, the eternal skeptic amongst my friends, believes we're in a spiritual war. This is a very big deal for me. To understand why, first we gotta talk about conspiracy theories. Everyone who knows me knows that I will argue with you about conspiracies. It's not that I don't believe in conspiracies. I do. People conspire. What I argue against is the cosmology people implicitly smuggle into the conversation. There are two points I try...