Feasting Friday

Man, my eyes water as I begin to type.


I awake every morning buzzing somewhere between two poles:

  1. My life drips with beauty I can barely contain my gratitude for.
  2. We're living in the blast radius of a digital Fukushima and we are all severely mentally injured.

Tears gently run down my face as I write that.

My life is more beautiful than I can stand, and our current moment is more precarious than I can comprehend.

Three weeks ago I went to the sacred valley in Peru and sat with aya for a week. I fasted, I prayed, I asked, and the response I received is the kind that can feed a soul for a long time.

Then I flew to Montana to help lead the most recent Fit For Service Summit. I taught, danced, cried, and felt braided into a living community in a way I never had before (thanks to all my students who absolutely popped out and showed up).

And now that I've been home for a few days, I've begun to reorientate back to the task at hand: point out the Shimmer and it's Fallout.

In response to all my Shimmer tracking, I've been experimenting with my mental fitness class on designing games for how to play in the shimmer.

I introduced the first generation of games in a recent podcast here.

The current new game I'm playing with is called a 'Shimmer Expedition.'

The idea is an individual or a group of dharma sprinters hop into the shimmer for some set amount of time and bring back a 'report' to share with the community.

Maybe a common question in the community is "how can parents help their children connect with nature more?" Maybe 5 of them self-organize to do a sprint together where they each go into the Shimmer in their own way to try to answer that question. They come back together, share what they learned, and then present their findings to the community.

I have a feeling this will be one of my favorite ways to be online.

The following is an example for a solo Shimmer Expedition.

I read the first chapter of 'The Anxious Generation' by Jonathan Haidt, and then I recorded my Expedition report for my mental fitness community.

I'm sharing it with yall so you can see what this looks like (plus the research is fckn startling and everyone should know about it).

Click below to see the video:

If you watched this video, you will understand the full weight of the following: the most important first response to our new world is to tame our relationship with The Shimmer.

The first step in the paradigm shift is reclaiming your mind from the Shimmer.

The second step is then to learn how to surf this new liquid crystal world.

PS. The next class of Mental Fitness is open for enrollment for the next few weeks. It's going to sell out so I won't be promoting it much, but if you know you're a fuck yes, click here to enroll.

If you're interested in what we'll be learning in class, I'm hosting a free webinar titled 'Mastering The Shimmer.'

Come hang out and we'll learn some shit together.

Song I'm Listening on Repeat

Street League - Hucci

Quote I'm Enjoying

"These are times in which a genius would wish to live. It is not in the still calm of life, or in the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. Great necessities call out our great virtues."
-Abigail Adams Letter to John Quincy Adams, 1780

Erick Godsey

Every week, I bring the best of what I've gathered. Enjoy the feast.

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