Feasting Friday

I've changed my mind (Caitlyn gets the credit).

I, Erick Godsey, the eternal skeptic amongst my friends, believes we're in a spiritual war.

This is a very big deal for me.

To understand why, first we gotta talk about conspiracy theories.

Everyone who knows me knows that I will argue with you about conspiracies. It's not that I don't believe in conspiracies. I do. People conspire. What I argue against is the cosmology people implicitly smuggle into the conversation.

There are two points I try to make when the topic comes up.

  1. If you understand the limits and dynamics of the conscious mind, you'd understand your conspiracy theories are your projections.
  2. Your projections are invitations into your shadow, if you face whats there, you can grow up and get back to your dharma.

Because the point most conspiracy theories imply about the cosmos are:

  1. Life is deceitful; trust your paranoia.
  2. You can't live the life you're called to live, because of 'them.'

98% of people I know who are passionate about conspiracies are people clearly avoiding their calling. They are almost all men, intelligent, and between the ages of 18 and 40.

They land in me as Peter Pan boys refusing to leave Neverland.

But I keep that to myself because I know I don't know.

Maybe they're right.

Maybe Saturn is an instrument the Demiurge uses to distort our vibration on the planet and that's why we're lazy, distracted, and disconnected from God.

But if I'm gunna hold your worldview, will you hold mine?

It's not Saturn.
It's not predictive programming
It's not Archons, and it's not the Demiurge.

It's that you trust paranoia over courage.
Life hurt you and you stopped trusting God.
You'd rather kill any echo of the whisper
then commit to the dream in your heart.

I think
You have a soul, and it whispers to you.
You have a calling, something unique only you can do.
You always have a choice, to say no or yes.
And you would rather dismiss all of physics,
Tell me the earth is flat

rather than

tell your parents you're sorry
or your ex that you cheated
or your friends that you lied
or admit that you're an addict
or claim your dream and commit to it.

We'd rather spend 100 hours feasting on youtube videos about the moon being hollow, how the elite use DMT to talk to aliens, and how the holocaust isn't real instead of admitting to ourselves that we've aborted our dharma and we're coping with the slow death of our soul by creating a paranoid cosmology.

If you're successful and are able to create this new cosmology built by conspiracy theories, your prize will be psychosis.

Don't play that game.

Instead, try this:

  1. Start telling yourself the truth (journal)
  2. Start doing what you're afraid to do (everyday)
  3. Start seeking mastery at what you love (daily practice)
  4. Make shit with your craft that helps people.

That's my view.
Fuck your conspiracies.
They're not interesting.
Tell me your dreams,
and what you're called to do.

Maybe it's Saturn, and we're all in Hell.
Maybe you're a coward, with truth to tell.

I'll hold your view.
Will you hold mine?

Rafiki's Rattle

Regardless of what's true, whenever I get deep in the waters with someone about a conspiracy I ask my favorite 'okay fuck the fluff, what are you saying' question:

Cool, let's say everything you're saying is true:
If so, then what?

If "If so, then what?" was a man he'd be the best man at my wedding.
If "If so, then what?" was a woman, I'd ask Caitlyn how'd she feel about the trinity.

Let's say your right, and the most powerful people in the world are a part of an intergalactic cult and are orchestrating world events to produce suffering because the entities they work for feed on our pain;

"If so, then what?"

Tell me what you're doing differently now that you believe this.

What are you doing with your life, and what is your vision for the future?

Because if what you're saying is true, we're at war, and you aren't acting like it.

I'd say about 60% of people I get into the weeds with on conspiracies, are genuinely surprised by the question. You can tell they've never considered the question.

(If you've never considered 'If so, then what?' with your favorite conspiracy theory; it isn't metaphysics, it's mental masturbation).

About 30% will have an answer, and it will be some type of uninspiring, cliche like "spreading awareness" or "to stay woke."

Their response to the invading reptilians is to send Rumble videos to the girl they're trying to impress.

9% have the heart to say the truth.
Their answer to 'if so, then what?' is fuck it.
Fuck admitting they want to be a musician,
Fuck the hard work and decades of practice.
Fuck learning how to play the game of money.
Fuck learning how our government works.
If they had the awareness, they'd say
"Fuck my Dad for not loving me."

The crux of my issue with my brothers who love conspiracies is that what they are pointing at is paradigm shaking.

To integrate even a sliver of the evil they share would demand my dreams die and be recalibrated.

It would mean that we're in a war I never noticed.

A casual life built to feed my personal pleasures is dead forever.

The Erick that lived and dreamt peacetime dreams would die.

And the tender truth is that I've been afraid of that call.

I've lived an intense and passionate enough life without the perspective that we're in a spiritual war.

But, thanks to Caitlyn, that has changed.

The Shimmer War

Have you noticed the Shimmer today?

I'll be talking about it for a long a time, because it's going to take me a long time to process, but this past week I've noticed...that I believe we're in a spiritual war.

Here is what this looks like to me:

  1. Stories organize large-scale human behavior.
  2. Stories large enough to organize the behavior of millions of people is isomorphic to being a god (lower case g).
  3. There is a specific class of stories (gods) that are fighting each other, and the scale of the conflict could end the game of life on Earth.
  4. We need new stories, and artists are the only kind of person who can make new stories.
  5. Each of us can be artists, and everyday we feed different gods with our attention.
  6. The resistance starts when we realize we're feeding the monsters.
  7. The resistance has won when we've created a new god that digests Moloch.

Let's break this down a little.

Stories equaling gods is Jungian 202. I think he was right.

The specific kind of gods that are fighting each other are the 'Kingdom' gods infected with the 'Empire' virus.

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are Kingdom gods. Each of them have their own symbols for the greatest possible future potential, and the greatest possible future they can imagine is 'The Kingdom of Heaven,' 'The City on the Hill,' the 'Holy Land.'

There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but the arrival of the Science god expanded the field gods compete in.

The new 'field' is Earth (inside a solar system, inside a galaxy, inside a universe).

These old City gods have been discombobulated since the expansion of the field of play (like a grandmaster waking up one day and the board they've practiced on multiplied by 100,000,000 squares).

Then a new wave of artists came along and tried created a new class of gods called 'Nation States.'

These are City Gods trying to play the Empire game.

The Empire game is when a City God wants to make the planet their city.

The only way to do that with our current stories is genocide, mass starvation, and likely, nuclear holocaust.

We shouldn't do that.

Enter The Shimmer.

The Shimmer is accelerating the mutation of stories (gods) at a rate beyond comprehension.

The Shimmer also amplifies the potential potency of the individual artist to a realm beyond comprehension.

An idea who's time has come can spread across the globe in a day, dropping into the mind of 100,000,000 people while the artist you channeled it sleeps.

There is a name for the kind of game the City Gods are playing that, if left unchanged, will almost certainly end the game of play on Earth.

It's called Moloch.

Moloch is the god (story) of what is called zero sum games.

Zero sum games are games that produce a winner and a loser.

A non-zero sum game is a game where all players win by playing.

Free trade, when not corrupt, is a non-zero sum game.

I help you move into your new house, you feed me a great meal. Win Win.

If we play Russian roulette after, when one of us wins, it is because the other is dead.

Win Lose.

The war I see is between Artists and Moloch.

I feel morally obligated to rise to a new level of intention, effectiveness, and grit so that I can meet the call I've always resisted when people talked to me about conspiracies.

I use to always balk against people who used war as a metaphor for anything that wasn't actually war because I thought it was irresponsible.

I've changed my mind.

With the eyes I have now, I find it personally gaslighting to my senses to not think of it as a war.

This is fresh, so bare with me as I process it.

This changes things for me.

William James, the father of Psychology in America said, back in the mid 19th century, that humanity would need a moral equivalent to war in order to deploy the effort required to mature to the point where we wouldn't destroy ourselves.

Personally, I've found my war.

And the goal of the resistance is to create a new story.

A new kind of god.

One that can transmute Moloch into an ecology.

The word Rot comes to mind.

The image is a female goddess with an urn.

If she can get a City God to drink from it,
He will get sick.
He will purge.
He will grieve and weep and atone with pleads and screams.
When complete, he will be anointed.
And then he will be able to notice his sacred place in the ecology.

But Erick...If so, then what?

Good question lol

  1. Learn how to see gods
  2. Recognize you're a god feeder
  3. and a god maker
  4. Start choosing the gods you feed
  5. Start learning how to create gods
  6. Help other people notice

You can start right now.

What gods have you fed today?

When was the last time you listened for the god that wants to come through you?

What unique stories are hiding in your sensitive heart?

You may have in you a piece of the body of the Goddess that can rot the hate out of Moloch's game.

Song I'm Listening on Repeat

3030 - Deltron 3030

Quotes I'm Enjoying

“Those who tell the stories rule the society.”
“All myths are stories, but not all stories are myths: among stories, myths hold a special place.”
-Margaret Atwood
“Myths must be kept alive. The people who keep them alive are artists.”
-Joseph Campbell
“The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. If the artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found.”
-Terrence McKenna

Erick Godsey

Every week, I bring the best of what I've gathered. Enjoy the feast.

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